Make the Wise Move to Qu Property


Is your property currently managed by another agency?

That’s ok, we do all the work for you!

We will provide you with a Management Agreement (Form 6) and a transfer of management letter. We will forward the letter to your current managing agent and liaise with them to arrange collection of the file. Once the file is collected we will notify yourself and your tenants.

Are you managing your own property?

Increase your return on investment!

If your looking to take a step back from managing your own property and wish to maximise your return on investment contact us on (07) 3128 2232 to have an obligation free discussion about your property needs. Our aim is to increase your return immediately or over time to compensate for our fees whilst providing a top-quality service.

Have you recently purchased an investment property or considering renting your current home?

Obligation free advice any time!

From first time buyer to seasoned investor we can help you reach your property goals. If you’re currently occupying the property you wish to have leased we can discuss how this would work for you. Should you require a rental appraisal or just to have an obligation free chat about the property market, management process or all things property related, then contact us on (07) 3128 2232