Stress Free Management with Qu Property


What we offer..

  • Proactive Communication

    We understand the importance of regular and proactive communication. Our team adheres to a maximum ‘one business day’ turnaround on phone calls and emails. Regular contact is actioned during key events, i.e., entry, routine and outgoing inspections, and prospective tenancies prior to confirming acceptance.

  • Single Point of Contact

    The tenancy will be managed by one professional property manager who clearly understands both your and your tenants' needs.

  • Maximise Rental Yields

    Regular and thorough execution of rental market analysis is conducted by Qu to ensure the best possible rental yields are achieved. Maintenance and ongoing costs are professionally negotiated by Qu Property with investors’ bottom-line in mind, while quality controlling services and repairs performed by third parties.

  • Strategic Marketing

    Impactful marketing campaigns enacted by Qu Property that promptly secure quality tenants, highest possible rent return, and impressively short vacancy periods.

  • Transparency

    As an investor, we ensure you have access to your records such as tenancy information, relevant tenancy documents and financial statements at all times via our “owner portal”. It’s about your right to your information, after all, it’s your investment property.

  • Detailed Property Reports

    Property condition holds significant impact on your rental return. That is why we conduct regular routine inspections providing you with a thorough report, recommendations and detailed images. We also conduct further detailed reports at entry and exit inspections.